How to remove repeated elements from an object array by preserving the object that has a different id property than null


Viewed 201 times


I need to remove the elements that have the same value in the property screen_id keeping whatever has the property id other than null.

My sample object:

let userPermissions  = [
        id: 1,
        description: Cadastro de usuários,
        screen_id: 1,
        allow_read: true,
        allow_create: true,
        allow_update: false,
        allow_delete: true
        id: null,
        description: "Cadastro de usuários",
        screen_id: 1,
        allow_read: false,
        allow_create: false,
        allow_update: false,
        allow_delete: false
        id: null,
        description: "Tela teste 3",
        screen_id: 5,
        allow_read: false,
        allow_create: false,
        allow_update: false,
        allow_delete: false

I need the following result:

        "id": 1,
        "description": "Cadastro de usuários",
        "screen_id": 1,
        "allow_read": true,
        "allow_create": true,
        "allow_update": false,
        "allow_delete": true
        "id": null,
        "description": "Tela teste 3",
        "screen_id": 5,
        "allow_read": false,
        "allow_create": false,
        "allow_update": false,
        "allow_delete": false

What I tried to:

userPermissions = userPermissions.reduce((arr, item) => {
  const removed = arr.filter(i => i['screen_id'] === item['screen_id'] && item['id'] !== null)
  return [...removed, item]
}, [])

But not returning the result as expected.

2 answers


If you want a slightly more performative solution, you can use a loop for conventional:

const userPermissions = [
  { id: null, description: 'Tela teste 4', screen_id: 6 },
  { id: null, description: 'Cadastro de usuários', screen_id: 1 },
  { id: null, description: 'Tela teste 3', screen_id: 5 },
  { id: 8, description: 'Tela teste 4', screen_id: 6 },
  { id: 1, description: 'Cadastro de usuários', screen_id: 1 }

function removeDuplicates(list) {
  const listed = {};

  for (const item of list) {
    const { id, screen_id: screenId } = item;

    // Caso um item já esteja sido listado e seu ID não seja nulo, não será
    // adicionado à lista.
    if (screenId in listed && listed[screenId].id !== null) {

    // Caso ainda não esteja listado, ou já esteja listado, porém com um ID
    // nulo, será adicionado à lista.
    if (
      !(screenId in listed) ||
      (listed[screenId].id === null && id !== null) // Irá garantir que itens com ID não nulo sejam reinseridos.
    ) {
      listed[screenId] = item;

  return Object.values(listed);


It’s a little verbose, but since it only has an iteration loop, I think it’s the best alternative if you need performance... You can even do it with reduce, but I think I’d be half disgusting...

  • 1

    That way I always have to make sure that my element that has id !== null appears before the null id element, right?

  • 2

    I tried to do with reduce, but in fact it was getting so "disgusting" that I gave up :-)

  • Yes, @veroneseComS, elements that have a null ID will be prioritized. Code part responsible so it is: || (listed[screenId] === null && id !== null), in the evaluation expression of the second if.

  • I did some tests with your code, if my element repeated with id null appears first that the element repeated with id !== null, it is inserted. Here is a reproduction:

  • Really, @veroneseComS, my mistake. Sorry. :v I edited the answer.

  • @Luizfelipe thank you!

Show 1 more comment


Although "cool", it is not always easier to think in a "functional" way, so before trying to do with reduce, why not use a loop simple?

let userPermissions  = [
        id: 1,
        description: "Cadastro de usuários",
        screen_id: 1,
        allow_read: true,
        allow_create: true,
        allow_update: false,
        allow_delete: true
        id: null,
        description: "Cadastro de usuários",
        screen_id: 1,
        allow_read: false,
        allow_create: false,
        allow_update: false,
        allow_delete: false
        id: null,
        description: "Tela teste 3",
        screen_id: 5,
        allow_read: false,
        allow_create: false,
        allow_update: false,
        allow_delete: false

let result = [];
let screenIdsJaVistos = {};
for (const u of userPermissions) {
    // se o screen_id ainda não foi verificado
    if (!screenIdsJaVistos[u.screen_id]) {
        // buscar todos que tem o mesmo screen_id
        let mesmoScreenId = userPermissions.filter(user => user.screen_id == u.screen_id);
        if (mesmoScreenId.length > 1) { // se tem mais de um, pega o que tem id não nulo
            result.push(mesmoScreenId.find(user => !== null));
        } else { // senão, pega o próprio elemento
        // esse screen_id já foi verificado, posso pular nas próximas iterações
        screenIdsJaVistos[u.screen_id] = true;

Of course, if you have several elements with the same screen_id, He’ll get the first one that doesn’t have id null. But if you need another tiebreaker, just add above, within the if (mesmoScreenId.length > 1).

In my opinion it’s a much clearer code than using reduce but of course there are those who disagree, so it is "opinion" - in addition, it is easier to add new conditions if necessary.

The code may even get bigger than it used reduce, but the size of the code should not be an end in itself. A clearer and easier to understand and maintain code is much better than a short but complicated code (unless you and your team feel comfortable with reduce, clear-cut).

  • It works well in this example but if the first repeated screen_id is id null, it puts this element instead of the element that has id !== null. Example of reproduction:

  • @veroneseComS It was a typo, no filter should be user.screen_id == u.screen_id but I was using I already corrected

  • Thanks for the solution, now it meets my need and really, it’s easier to keep a code for() than a code with reduce (I’m not yet aware of the 1001 utilities that a Reducer can do)

  • 1

    @veroneseComS In my opinion, there is a certain abuse of the reduce, many people use without thinking, even when a simple loop is the best solution (not to mention that it is usually slower too, although for arrays).

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