SQL function that applies to each row of the column


Viewed 814 times


We work with several tables that contain a date field, sometimes we need to separate the date string into 3 columns (day/month/year).
I made a function where you pass the date string and it returns these 3 columns, but how do I return them within another Query?


select *, separadata(REP_DATA_INICIO) from intranet_reportmensal 

The function would apply to each row of that query.

the function is this

FUNCTION [dbo].[separadata](@data varchar(10))
 returns TABLE 
 AS RETURN SELECT Parsename(Replace(@data, '/', '.'), 3) as DIA, Parsename(Replace(@data, '/', '.'), 2) as MES, Parsename(Replace(@data, '/', '.'), 1)  as ANO
  • MS SQL Server? It seems so but it’s good to add the database tag.

  • If I’m not mistaken, you can join with the return of the function (which returns table) in SQL Server. But the @ramaral solution seems more sensible in this particular case.

  • @bfavaretto You can join with a function that returns TABLE. Only this asks for a parameter that is a column of the SELECT main table. I was curious how to do that... Anyway, it’s probably not a worthwhile optimization - it’s not so much trouble to use the date functions.

  • @Caffé I think it would be okay to pass the column of the main table and at the same time do the JOIN. And totally agree with you, to separate the date is better to use DATEPART even.

  • @bfavaretto I tried and I couldn’t. See if you can and put it there please: http://www.sqlfiddle.com/#! 6/b287d/10/0

  • @bfavaretto Hmm found :-) I will post here.

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2 answers



Use the function DATEPART()

If the field Date of your table for minhaData can use such a SELECT to separate that date into day/month/year.:

SELECT DATEPART(yyyy,minhaData) AS ano,
       DATEPART(mm,minhaData) AS mes,
       DATEPART(dd,minhaData) AS dia
FROM minhaTabela

The function DATEPART(datePart, date) receives two parameters:

  • datepart - indicates part of date to extract and may be one of the following options: year: yyyy,yy month: mm,m day: dd,d (more options)
  • date - an expression representing a type Date: team, date, smalldatetime, datetime, datetime2, or datetimeoffset, can be a column of a table, a variable or a string.


Use the functions YEAR(date), MONTH(date) and DAY(date)

SELECT YEAR(minhaData) AS ano,
       MONTH(minhaData) AS mes,
       DAY(minhaData) AS dia
FROM minhaTabela


In Microsoft SQL Server, you can join with the result of a function whose return is of the type TABLE (like your).

I suggest working with specific date type and functions, as recommended by @ramaral. The function would look like this:

create FUNCTION dbo.separadata(@data datetime)
 returns TABLE 
SELECT DATEPART(yyyy,@data) AS ano,
DATEPART(mm,@data) AS mes,
DATEPART(dd,@data) AS dia

And to sew it:

select * from Tabela
cross apply separadata(Tabela.data)

See working: http://www.sqlfiddle.com/#! 6/b287d/14/0

"Cross apply" credits: https://stackoverflow.com/a/699362/1274092

  • Good. I tried but I hit the beam :)

  • 1

    My answer solves but this answers the question directly!

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