I’m studying the framework Express
to create a REST
and when writing afunction
I am unable to return the value that was processed.
When making the call to endpoint /test
, the code below is executed:
app.get('/test', (req, res) => {
const value = getNextSequenceValue('cursoId');
So the function getNextSequenceValue
runs the logic below:
function getNextSequenceValue(sequenceName) {
let returnNextValue = 0;
MongoClient.connect(url, { useUnifiedTopology: true }, (err, client) => {
//defini o banco de dados como 'test'
const db = client.db('test');
//verificar se a coleção 'counters' existe no banco de dados 'test'
//se não existir, cria a coleção 'counters' no banco de dados 'test'
db.listCollections({ name: 'counters' }).toArray((err, result) => {
if (err) {
throw 'error in list collections';
if (result.length == 0) {
//defini a coleção como 'counters'
const collection = db.collection('counters');
//verifica se na coleção 'counters' existe um documento com o 'id' igual a variavel 'sequenceName'
//se não existir cria o documento, com o valor da sequenciaValue = 0
collection.findOne({ id: sequenceName }).then(result => {
if (!result) {
id: sequenceName,
sequenceValue: 0
}).catch(err => console.log(err));
//incremente a sequenciaValue em 1 do id passado.
{ id: sequenceName },
{ $inc: { sequenceValue: 1 } },
{ 'returnNewDocument': true }
.then(result => {
returnNextValue = result.value.sequenceValue;
.catch(err => console.log(err))
.finally(() => client.close());
return returnNextValue;
As can be seen in the excerpt:
.then(result => {
returnNextValue = result.value.sequenceValue;
Console output is correct, logic checks the required stock and displays on the console the value of the next sequence.
However, I cannot assign this value to the variable returnNextValue
, soon the return is being 0.
Already tried leaving the getNextSequenceValue function as async and calling it with await in the express API?
– Daniel Mendes
no =/, I will search on that. thank you
– Thomas Erich Pimentel