A single Arrayobject for presentation and modification


Viewed 32 times


Hello, I’m venturing into Angular 8, and I came across a stalemate, I get the following obj array of a service:

      (products: Product[]) => {
         this.productsToShow = products;
         this.productsToEdit = products;
         // ja tentei fazer = [...products], etc

and whenever I edit the object form productsToEdit, automatically the display grid is modified, in the grid there is a ngfor and being exhibited in the conventional way {{ element.atributo }}, there is some way to "freeze" the display?

  • 1

    It was not at all clear your question!

1 answer


The problem seems to be that you’re copying the same reference, try so:

this.productsToShow = {...products};
this.productsToEdit =Object.assign({}, products);

Or to have totally another object:

 this.productsToShow =JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(products));
  • was exactly that, I was researching how javascript works, and learning more every day with it, thank you

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