How to use IBM Cloud services with POST request in Python?


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I am trying to use IBM Cloud’s "Speech To Text" service in my Python application via POST requests with the package requests.

The problem is that I am confused about the URL that should be used and also the form of the request. I saw some tutorials on the internet in which the boy uses the following URL:

But when going on the part of Management service, the URL I get is this:<um código aqui>

My Python code is this:

import requests

api_url = "<Uma das URL's que coloquei acima na pergunta>"
key = "<Chave da API (a chave está correta)>"

with open("audio.wav", "rb") as file:
    audio =

response =
    data = audio,
    headers = {"Content-Type": "audio/wav"},
    auth = ("apikey", key)


When I try to use the first URL I get this answer:

b'{"code":403, "error": "Forbidden"}'

And by using the second URL I get this:

b'{"code":404, "error": "Not Found"}'.

What I’m doing wrong in the requisition?

  • Before you ask me if I’ve tried using the package ibm_watson, yes I have tried, but I found it very complicated. Therefore, I preferred to use the package requests that I think is simpler.

1 answer


According to the documentation, you must use the endpoint /v1/recognize from the base URL you receive. This base URL you receive is the:


I leave here an image indicating where to get this base URL.

Then your POST request will be for:


I think your mistake was not using the correct URL. Also remember to check if the API keys are correct. :)

With this, your Python code will look like this:

import requests

base_api_url = "<uuid>"
key = "<secret>"

with open("audio.wav", "rb") as file:
    audio =

response =
    data = audio,
    headers = { "Content-Type": "audio/wav" },
    auth = ("apikey", key)


To request for a language model other than English, you must add the parameter language_customization_id at the URL, as per appears in the documentation.

To do this using the library requests, just use the option params, as well as appears in the documentation.


import requests

base_api_url = "<uuid>"
key = "<secret>"

with open("audio.wav", "rb") as file:
    audio =

response =
    # Aqui você passa os atributos da URL:
    params= { "language_customization_id": "<lang-code>" },
    data = audio,
    headers = { "Content-Type": "audio/wav" },
    auth = ("apikey", key)


However, I could not test, since apparently it is a feature that requires a different plan than mine (the free trial). I was getting an error 400. :)

  • Thank you very much guy, I was breaking my head a lot for this kk. In case it would be the same for the other services of IBM or just for this ?

  • Since I’m not familiar with Watson’s Apis, I can’t answer you for sure. However, I imagine that there is a yes standard, since it is the same service with different "sub-services", like the one from Speech to Text. :)

  • Luiz, I’m sorry but I’ll need to bother you just a little bit more because I don’t have much knowledge about kkk requests. I know there is a way to set the language using the parameter model, but how would I do it in the request ? For example, now he gives me the text in English and I want it in Portuguese.

  • 1

    @Jeanextreme002, I edited the answer. I think it is enough to send a parameter through the URL. As I put it in the edition, the library you’re using copper this use case in the documentation. :)

  • Thanks a lot for the help Luiz <3

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