How to apply conditions in this string template?


Viewed 421 times


Currently I own this object:

const messages = {
  required: field => `${field} é obrigatório e naõ foi preenchido!`,

That prints the following value:

name é obrigatório e não foi preenchido!

I need to apply a condition to this string template that changes the field value based on a condition. I tried something like:

const messages = {
  required: field => `
   ${field => {
    if(field === 'name') {
    if(field === 'address') {
   }} é obrigatório e não foi preenchido

But when I print I get:

field => { if(field === 'name') { return 'nome' } } é obrigatório e não foi preenchido

And I need:

nome é obrigatório e não foi preenchido.
  • 1

    A question I always ask for people who are more recently and have already caught the time of CSS3+ and ES6, is it really necessary? In both CSS3 and ES6 I know there are a lot of things that look cool, but do we really need them? For example, the other day asked how to put a CSS drawing as bg below each TD, formulated an advanced and complex response, but a simple SVG image with background-image would solve and work even better ...

  • 1

    ... The same goes for template strings, do you really need to put logic inside the string? Wouldn’t it be better to set a var to each IF and then play in the template already handled? Do we need all this complexity? Why not the simplest and most intuitive? ... I honestly think that JS and CSS have created cool things, but not everything is actually useful, it actually seems to get in the way more.

  • 1

    Young man, putting expressions inside a template string makes it very difficult to read. Maybe we should rethink how to create this string.

  • @Guilhermenascimento thanks for the tips

2 answers


I was able to do it this way:

const fields = {
   address: 'Endereço',
   name: 'Nome'

const messages = {
  required: field => `${Object.keys(fields).includes(field) ? fields[field] : ''} é obrigatório e não foi preenchido`


I added a ternary condition inside the string template, it recognizes without problems, it is not possible to use if and else inside the string template.

In Object.keys(fields).includes(field) ? fields[field] I’m checking if there’s a key inside the object fields that matches the requested field, if any, it brings the value as a result.

As mentioned by @Guilherme Nascimento, it is preferable to put logic outside the string template to make it easier to read/maintain the code

const fields = {
   address: 'Endereço',
   name: 'Nome'

function getFieldText(field) {
  return Object.keys(fields).includes(field) ? fields[field] : ''

const messages = {
    required: field => `${getFieldText(field)} é obrigatório e não foi preenchido`


  • It works well, however I can have more than one condition to do, I will update my question to be clearer

  • 1

    Excellent resolution, was well organized in the end.


For the sake of organization and reading, it is preferable to avoid placing large expressions inside a string template.

The ideal would be to formulate the logic outside the string template and save the value in a variable, passing it in the string template interpolation.

const messages = {
    required: field => {

        let field_name = field;

        if (field === 'name') {
            field_name = 'nome';
        } else if(field === 'address') {
            field_name = 'endereço';

        return  `${field_name} é obrigatório e não foi preenchido`


That way, if you (or someone else) has to change the code, it will be easier to implement some new condition or logic.

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