How to search whether a string array contains in another string array. Using complete and incomplete words


Viewed 290 times


How to search in an array of strings using complete and incomplete orders, similar to what the phonebook does.


List array1 = ['Escola','Estadual','José','da','silva'];
Lista busca = ['José','Silva','Estad'];

I want Uca to contain in array1, doing research for complete and incomplete words.

I tried it this way:

void main() {
  List storeName = ['ESCOLA','ESTADUAL','SAO','JOAO'];
  List queryList = ['ESCOLA','SAO', 'JOAO'];

  List vazia = [];

  for(var i = 0; i< storeName.length;i++){
    for(var x = 0; x< queryList.length;x++){
       if(vazia.indexOf(storeName[i]) == -1){
         print('n tem');

But what I really want is if I do:

List array1 = ['Escola','Estadual','José','da','silva'];
Lista busca = ['José','Silva','Esta'];

busca in array1 = true

And if you search like this, be false:

List array1 = ['Escola','Estadual','José','da','silva'];
Lista busca = ['José','Silva','Estlp'];

busca in array1 = false

Another interesting example is:

.contains("Dart is nice", "nice Dart")); //true
.contains("Dart is nice", "nice Darte")); //false
.contains("Dart is nice", "is Dar")); //true
  • 1

    Edit your question and let us know what you have tried so far, so we can help you better.

  • 1

    It is important that you show the effort you have already made in your research and attempts. Putting an example code that is almost working is a way to help you solve your problem more punctually. When you put in the standards for the question to accept answers again I put one of the possible solutions to your case. If you have the example I use even your example and only adjust with what you need.

2 answers


One of the possible implementations:

void main() { 
  // Exemplo 1
  List array1 = ['Escola','Estadual','José','da','silva'];
  List buscas = ['José','Silva','Estad'];

  bool achouExemplo1 = pesquisar(array1, buscas);
  print("Exemplo 1: $achouExemplo1");

  // Exemplo 2
  String frase = "Dart is nice";
  String fraseBusca = "is dar";

  List array2 = frase.split(" ");  
  List buscas2 = fraseBusca.split(" ");

  bool achouExemplo2 = pesquisar(array2, buscas2, caseSensitive: false);
  print("Exemplo 2: $achouExemplo2");  

// função responsável por processar a busca nos arrays.
bool pesquisar(palavras, buscas, {caseSensitive = false}){  
  bool match = false;

  for(String busca in buscas){
    busca = caseSensitive ? busca : busca.toUpperCase();

    for(String palavra in palavras){
      String auxPalavra = caseSensitive ? palavra : palavra.toUpperCase();
      match = auxPalavra.contains(busca);

      if(match) break;      

    if(!match) break;

  return match;

The function pesquisar() has the option to do the search considering or not the case sensitive. The parameter is optional and if not informed it is assumed as false. I used an example of each in the proposed code. In example 2 you are using the parameter case sensitive on the call.

The code can be tested on Dartpad.

  • 1

    This worked perfectly, I am using until today. Sorry for the delay in feedback


As you will have two word lists, you should use one loop to compare your records, thus:

void main() {
  List<String> array1 = ['Escola','Estadual','José','da','silva'];
  List<String> busca = ['José','Silva','Esta'];

  bool exists = false;

  List<String> array1Lower = => item.toLowerCase()).toList();

  for(String textoBusca in busca){     
    for(String value in array1Lower){     
      exists = value.contains(textoBusca.toLowerCase());
      if (exists)

    if (!exists)



How do you want it to work as a generic search caseInsensitive, it is necessary to convert all words of both lists to Lowercase, otherwise Dart will understand as separate words.

  • 1

    Thank you very much, it worked perfectly

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