I have the following dataframe in R I need to turn the row into a column as follows:
Nome Valor
1 x 1.1
2 x 2.2
3 y 3.3
4 y 4.4
5 z 5.5
6 z 6.6
And I need him to stay that way:
x y z
1 1.1 3.3 5.5
2 2.2 4.4 6.6
Thank you!
How is this question out of scope?
– Rui Barradas
Duplicate, but it is not out of scope.
– Carlos Eduardo Lagosta
@Carloseduardolagosta Not quite a duplicate, this question asks to transpose, this is closer.
– Rui Barradas
That’s right, @Noisy. Anyway, I don’t see why it was considered out of scope.
– Carlos Eduardo Lagosta