I have two tables:
curriculo (cur_codigo,cur_nome)
lembrete_envios (lem_codigo,lem_curriculo,lem_data,lem_tipo)
- The table resume stores candidate ID and candidate name
The table reminete_shipments stores reminders sent to resumes
lem_resume is the foreign key of cur_code
- Each curriculum may contain one or more reminders.
- When the resume has more than one linked reminder, the survey should consider the date of the most recent reminder.
I’m struggling to assemble a survey that returns the resumes that meet two conditions, as detailed below:
The query should return the curricula that have no reminders sent or that have sent reminders, the most recent being 7 days before the current day.
INSERT INTO curriculo (cur_codigo, cur_nome) VALUES
('1', 'A'),
('2', 'B'),
('3', 'C');
INSERT INTO lembrete_envio (lem_codigo,lem_curriculo,lem_data,lem_tipo) VALUES
('1', '1', '2020-01-01', '1'),
('2', '1', '2020-01-05', '1'),
('3', '1', '2020-02-08', '1'),
('4', '3', '2020-01-19', '1');
For this example, let’s consider the current date as being (2020-02-10).
In this case, the consultation should return the curricula: B and C, because
- B (has no linked reminders)
- C (the linked reminder was sent more than 7 days from the current date (10 is less than 18)
Obs: To cannot be included in the results as your most recent reminder (2020-02-08) is not less than 7 days from the current date.
SELECT curriculo.cur_nome, max(lembrete_envio.lem_data)
FROM curriculo LEFT OUTER JOIN lembrete_envio
ON (curriculo.cur_codigo = lembrete_envio.lem_curriculo)
OR lembrete_envio.lem_data IS NULL
GROUP BY curriculo.cur_codigo;
Ask me a question: how would you do if, for example, the current day was 05?
– anonimo
I had done so just to expose the problem here, but I’ve updated the field to date type here in question.
– Eduardo