Select items and sort objects list


Viewed 65 times


I’m learning how to use the Github API and for that I took a user to use as an example. I am getting a list of objects and need to select the names of the 3 oldest items and leave them in ascending order (oldest to the most current).

This is my code(It’s in JS):

async function testeApi() {
    const url = "";
    const response = await fetch(url);
    const result = await response.json();



the command console.log(result); return me the following result:

  total_count: 4,
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Already the command result.items.forEach(i=>console.log(; already returns me only the name of the repositories, which is like this:


Anyway, the names I already have, but how can I select the oldest 3 and leave them in ascending order(From the oldest to the most current)? Help me please.

1 answer


Having the data you want, in your case the repositories list, you can use the sort() to order, and the slice() to take only the first 3 items of the array.
Take this example:

var lista = [

var listaFinal = lista


See that the sort is ordering in ascending order. If you need another order, or an object with other attributes, you can pass as parameter a function that sorts, and the slice receives two parameters, first the initial position, second (which is optional) the final position (not included, this is the limit). That is, take the element from zero to 3, not including this, which means take from 0 to 2.

Now as ordered by date, you need a function that sorts by the correct field, for example "created_at". See this other example:

var result = {
  total_count: 4,
  incomplete_results: false,
  items: [
      id: 1174001,
      node_id: 'MDEwOlJlcG9zaXRvcnkxMTc0MDAx',
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var lista = result.items;

var listaFinal = lista
       .sort(function(a, b) {
             return a.created_at < b.created_at
       .map(repo =>;


  • thank you so much for the answer. But there is a question... If you repair my code, I am using a foreach to list the names. In your example these names are already in an array, how can I put them in the array using foreach? Another problem is that I want to sort them in ascending order but not by name but by the "created_at" item in the object list. Can you help me with this? NOTE: I am using nodejs, I need to install something in the nodemodules folder to use this function?

  • see the issue I made in the question including the sort by date ;)

  • Okay, thank you Ricardo. So if I add the code listaFinal.items.forEach(i=> console.log(; should list only the 3 names and already ordered, right? Because the console.log(listaFinal); will bring me all the json, correct?

  • yes, but can make it simpler still using the function map, to map the result and return only name. I edited the question with this example

  • Ricardo, I took the test here and I don’t think you ordered it correctly, Do you know what the mistake might be? I put it down instead of writing the name, write the date, to see if the order was correct, and what I got was this [&#xA; '2015-12-28T11:30:55Z',&#xA; '2014-03-28T20:24:31Z',&#xA; '2015-03-14T13:56:32Z',&#xA; '2017-09-26T20:27:15Z',&#xA; '2018-02-07T16:19:45Z', You know what might have happened?

  • only if you are not correctly comparing the dates when ordering. Try to convert like this: new Date(a.created_at) < new Date(b.created_at)

  • Continued the same way :/

  • this example you have set does not have these dates. Put the json you are using for example in jsfiddle and pass the link to analyze it better

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