Save manipulated audio files keeping the original name


Viewed 107 times


I’m using an algorithm I found to perform noise cleaning of WAV files, but I need to run this algorithm in more than a thousand files and I need to keep the original name of the file that will be saved in another folder.

I created a directory with the original audios, and ran the algorithm in the loop for below, but I’m having trouble using the original file name when saving.

data_dir = '/Users/Sergio/Desktop/Macuco/WAV1'
audio_files = glob(data_dir + '/*.wav')


for file in range(0, len(audio_files), 1):

    data, rate = librosa.load(audio_files[file])
    noisy_part = data[round(len(data)*0.99):len(data)]
    reduced_noise = nr.reduce_noise(audio_clip=data, noise_clip=noisy_part, verbose=True)

    data = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, len(data))
    scaled = np.int16(reduced_noise/np.max(np.abs(data)) * 32768)
    wavfile.write('/Users/Sergio/Desktop/Macuco/WAV1/filtered.wav', rate, scaled)

2 answers


The original sound file is being read while the conversion is done, so it is not possible to use the same name for the result. You have to use a different name.

What you can do is generate a temporary file, and as soon as it is fully written, remove the original file and rename the temporary file, so that it gets the same name as the original:

wavfile.write(audio_files[file] + '.tmp', rate, scaled)
os.rename(audio_files[file] + '.tmp', audio_files[file])
  • I adapted your idea to include the '_filtered' mark next to the original file name, as below. wavfile.write(audio_files[file]. replace('. wav', '_filtered.wav'), rate, Scaled)


Or also you could create a directory inside the main folder to store the analyzed files and then save the file already in the final extension in that folder.

I’d just need to add one os.mkdir(f"{data_dir}/WAV_filtrados") at the beginning of your code and instead of saving in the main folder save inside this folder.

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