Installing a Winforms C# application on the client


Viewed 711 times


I developed an application in Winforms C# in 03 layers with Access.MDB Database:

Now the questions so that the Application can be installed in the client and function properly.

  1. The files I send to the client are as follows::

    1.1 - Executável winforms: Ex: MinhAplicação.exe
    1.2 - DLL MODELS: Modelsapp.dll
    1.3 - DLL DAL:    Dalapp.dll
    1.4 - DLL BLL:    BLLlsapp.dll 
    1.5 - BD Access:  database.mdb
  2. Even if the client has Office installed (in case 2010) C# forces me to install OLEDB 12.0 in the client.

    Question: Is there any way that C# Application recognizes Client Office without having to install OLEDB 12.0

  3. My reports made with Reportviwer do not run on client unless I install Visual Studio on client.

    I tried to send the reportviwer.exe, the run-time Visual Studio. But C# asks for the CRL TYPES DO SQL previously installed. This is complicated for the client.

    Question: What files and procedures are required for my application to install and run on the client?

  • 1

    Any problem using the installer that comes with Visual Studio?

  • when you generate the executable, it will all go to the project.

2 answers


About the Viewer report. Search the Microsoft website for "Microsoft Report Viewer Package yyyy Redistributable". It will only install the necessary binaries in the client to generate the report. Link to version 2010: Microsoft Report Viewer 2010 Redistributable Bundle


About Access there is Access Runtime the version has to be the same of the office that you created the database ex: if you created the MDB in Access 2007 download the Runtime 2007.. This link has all versions:

Now about the client already having Office in the installation of the same one would have to mark an option that would be something like this: Applications Support . NET if they do not mark this error option I’ve had a lot of problem with it, only Office with access itself application does not recognize. but Runtime solves this problem.

A Recommendation: Try to Start Using Mysql it is simple to install and use. Even simpler than Access in certain cases.

  • While this link may answer the question, it is best to include the essential parts of the answer here and provide the link for reference. Replies per link only can be invalidated if the page with the link is changed. - From Review

  • Thank you Diego. the Link was to provide help or facilitate the search that in the case would be the Access Runtime. Grado da Dica.

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