Why can’t I resize the screen with 1400x900
More precisely the width because I saw that the height I can enlarge with more than 800, 900
and with 1000
it already exceeds the windows toolbar.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500
void resizeConsole(int, int);
int main()
resizeConsole(1400, 900); //redimensionar a tela
void resizeConsole(int width, int height)
HWND console = GetConsoleWindow();
GetWindowRect(console, &r);
MoveWindow(console, r.left, r.top, width, height, TRUE);
I read that, it won’t work because the width of the console is limited by default to 80 characters. And I need to change the screen buffer size in order to resize the screen. But I have no idea how to do this!
Someone understands me?
Resize the width to less than 800 I can, just as in the doubt of this enthusiast...
--> insert link description here <--
Very good! But it still does not enlarge beyond the original size, although the double click the console goes to the upper corner straight from the monitor the height can even extend to the limit of the Windows Toolbar but the width still can not exceed the initial size.
– Axion Ions
better even use a Voce GUI with the GUI can expand a lot even and will solve your problem then don’t forget to mark the answer to help others with your problem
– Hugo