Change in button text with Kivy language


Viewed 103 times


I can’t find a way to keep changing the button text every time I click it. I can change the text only once. Every time it is clicked I want to appear on lamp/off lamp.


1 answer


You would need an auxiliary variable with a boolean value to switch between on and off. See this example below:

class MyButton(Button):
    __status = False

    def change(self):
        self.__status = not self.__status
        self.text = "Desligar" if self.__status else "Ligar"

class App(App):

    def build(self):

        button = MyButton(text = "Ligar", font_size = 40)
        button.on_release = button.change
        return button

In the above example, the attribute __status alternate between True and False at each call of the method change() and then the button text is set according to the value of that attribute.

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