Hello, I’m having difficulties in making a web scraping of a form made by microsoft Forms. (NOTE: The form was made by me).
I have the following code:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
linkForms01 = 'https://forms.office.com/Pages/AnalysisPage.aspx?id=vNBJ8bUOmk-egiSnbqz43tJCnHAzn91Lq2qUycLdTl5UOFFCQ0lXME85UlFKT1dBTFJPSllFUkkzVy4u&AnalyzerToken=qTmVTXSAWoyMXQcd56doC9W6W20G51UR'
page03 = requests.get(linkForms01)
page03.encoding = page03.apparent_encoding
soup03 = BeautifulSoup(page03.text, 'html.parser')
texto03 = soup03.get_text('\n')
xxxx = soup03.find(class_="analyze-view-detail-text-lines")
In general, I can extract a lot of information from this database, but the answers to the questionnaire cannot. I thought about removing the information that is in the Getaggregatesurveydata file, this file can be seen in Inspect - Network - XHR, but I’m not sure if this is possible.
Anyone who can help, I’d be grateful :)
Hello, thanks for your help! I will study a little on how to reverse engineer the requests, maybe it will help. About Selenium, it helped a lot, but it wasn’t very performative.
– Jonathan Cardoso