Loop problem when using Do-While (C language)


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I have a problem with this function. When I enter a non-integer character, it is in an eternal loop.

int menu() {

int escolha,acao;

do {
    printf("\n==============  MENU  ==============\n\n");
    printf("Pressione 1 para ver as instrucoes\nPressione 2 para jogar\n");
    scanf("%d", &escolha);
}while ((escolha != 1) && (escolha != 2));
  • What does it mean to "enter a non-integer character"? With the format specified in your scanf your program only reads whole numbers.

  • Any number or letter that is not integer. I know it only read integer, but not understanding why it gets in an infinite loop. From the moment I enter with an invalid number, the program rotates the loop endlessly over and over.

  • In this case it might be better for you to read as character and convert to integer when ensuring that the input is a digit.

2 answers



Try changing the type of the variable to float. As you declared it to be the whole type, if you force a float type input C does not convert it automatically. In a way it’s a language way of saying that you’re trying to do something that wasn’t programmed to be done.


Its function menu must return an integer representing the chosen option, I did not see the return in your code. The function scanf is problematic because it puts in the keyboard buffer the ENTER every time it is pressed, causing the loop when the input is not an integer.. It is right to always clean the buffer after reading with the scanf, to avoid a headache.

To clear the buffer, use:

flush(stdin) for Windows and __fpurge(stdin) for Linux.

Use the function getchar() also resolves, because she will capture the ENTER whenever you do reading, but it is best practice to clean the same buffer. I also recommend whenever you declare a variable, start it with some value, otherwise the C starts it with some random value (trash) which can also get in the way of comparisons/calculations etc.

I made some changes to the code, to be more "correct" so to speak:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

/*funcao menu, que retorna a opcao escolhida, ou -1 caso seja opcao invalida*/
int menu() {

int escolha=0;

    printf("\n==============  MENU  ==============\n\n");
    printf("Pressione 1 para ver as instrucoes\nPressione 2 para jogar\n");

    /*aqui apos o scanf, uso a funcao logo em seguida para limpar o buffer,
      no meu caso, testei no linux*/


    if (escolha==1)
        return escolha;

    else if (escolha==2)
        return escolha;

        return -1;       

/*funcao so para testar uma opcao valida*/
void jogar(){


/*funcao so para testar uma opcao valida*/
void instrucoes(){


/*funcao principal*/
int main(){

    int escolha=0;



    switch (escolha){
    case 1:

    case 2:

        printf("Escolha inválida, tente novamente!");

}while ((escolha < 0) || (escolha > 2));

return 0;


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