Count how many equal names there are within a JSON and display in Nodejs screen


Viewed 844 times


I have a json that has names of equal people, and I need to count how many names are repeated and give a total sum. I did it one way, but he’s counting the number of characters in the name and not counting the total number of equal names.

      "candidates": [    


          "CLIENT_ID": "Dread Pirate Alannah Company",
          "VALUE": 0,
          "LOST_VALUE": 45,

          "CLIENT_ID": "Dread Pirate Alannah Company",  
          "VALUE": 56.25,
          "LOST_VALUE": 0,

          "CLIENT_ID": "Dread Pirate Alannah Company",
          "VALUE": 45,
          "LOST_VALUE": 0,

          "CLIENT_ID": "Wis Company",
          "VALUE": 45,
          "LOST_VALUE": 0,

Code that I applied

function allRejected(arr){

    var contador = 0;

    if (arr !== undefined){
        for (var item = 0; item < arr.length; item++){
            if (item !== undefined && arr.indexOf(item)){
                contador ++;
    return contador;
  • @Why Andrémartins? What’s wrong with him?

  • I was wrong were 2 in the morning rsrs @Costamilam

2 answers


There are several problems in your code, I can’t imagine how it came to this, it seems that mixed several ways to do something similar to what you want

I will put a commented solution to understand

function allRejected(arr) {
  //O contador passa a ser um objeto, onde as chaves serão os nomes e os valores serão o número de repetições
  var contador = {};

  //Removi o "!== undefined" para ele verificar se for diferente de null, false ou 0 também
  if (arr) {
    //Percorre o array com a sintaxe "for of"
    for (var item of arr) {
      //Remoção do "!== undefined" novamente, 
      if (item) {
        //Se o contador não possui uma propriedade com o nome igual a item.CLIENT_ID
        if (contador[item.CLIENT_ID] === undefined) {
          //Cria essa propriedade e atribui o tamanho do array filtrado
          //A função filter irá iterar sobre o array e remover o que o callback retornar false sem alterar o array original
          contador[item.CLIENT_ID] = arr.filter(function(item2) {
            //Se CLIENT_ID do loop "for of" for igual ao do filter retorna true, se não, false
            return item.CLIENT_ID === item2.CLIENT_ID
            //A função filter retornará um array com os itens que tiverem o mesmo CLIENT_ID, para saber quantos são, basta acessar o tamanho (length)

  //Retorna o objeto que contém o número de repetições 
  return contador;

//Mostra no console o resultado
    "CLIENT_ID": "Dread Pirate Alannah Company",
    "VALUE": 0,
    "LOST_VALUE": 45,
    "CLIENT_ID": "Dread Pirate Alannah Company",
    "VALUE": 56.25,
    "LOST_VALUE": 0,
    "CLIENT_ID": "Dread Pirate Alannah Company",
    "VALUE": 45,
    "LOST_VALUE": 0,
    "CLIENT_ID": "Wis Company",
    "VALUE": 45,
    "LOST_VALUE": 0,

  • I did some tests with this piece of code that you gave me and I saw that there are two problems (at least I believe they are), one is that the for of does not accept the . length and filter informs me that arr.filter is not a function ( arr.filter is not a Function )

  • The first was my typing error, the second may be that you have passed the object instead of the property candidates which is an array. I edited the answer with an executable


const data = {
  "candidates": [    


      "CLIENT_ID": "Dread Pirate Alannah Company",
      "VALUE": 0,
      "LOST_VALUE": 45,

      "CLIENT_ID": "Dread Pirate Alannah Company",  
      "VALUE": 56.25,
      "LOST_VALUE": 0,

      "CLIENT_ID": "Dread Pirate Alannah Company",
      "VALUE": 45,
      "LOST_VALUE": 0,

      "CLIENT_ID": "Wis Company",
      "VALUE": 45,
      "LOST_VALUE": 0,

Take all the names:

const names = candidate => candidate.CLIENT_ID )

Filters the repeated names:

const uniqNames = names.filter((name, index, self) => self.indexOf(name) === index)

Go through all the names and see how many names there are:

let result = [];
uniqNames.forEach( uName => {
    names.forEach( name => {
        if (name == uName) {
            result[uName] = (result[uName] > 0 ? result[uName] : 0)  + 1

// result: [Dread Pirate Alannah Company: 3, Wis Company: 1]

You can also create an implementation that you remove from the array names the records that have already been counted.

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