How to return the years array using React-select


Viewed 403 times


I’m using the react-select to select the React project. I need to return the last five years. And then popular the options={} select. Only that he is only taking the last year, in the case 2020, but is not bringing the whole list, that would be: 2020,2019,2018,2017,2016

  const getOptions = () => {
    const years = [];

    for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
      years.push(new Date().getFullYear() - i);

    for (let valor of years) {
      const anos = [
          value: valor,
          label: valor

      console.log("years", years);
      console.log("anos", anos);
      return anos;


        onChange={selectedOption => {
        loadingMessage={() => "Carregando os ano"}
        noOptionsMessage={() => "Não tem ano"}

He carries only: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

2 answers


I think you’re confused

as its code assigns a value, rather than incrementing the array, it is natural that this happens


for (let valor of years) {
  const anos = [
     value: valor,
     label: valor
  return anos;

the correct would be you increase with push resulting in such a code:

  value: valor,
  label: valor

define let anos before the for, and implement the push in years, within the range of years.

as well as the const years was set before the was.

const years = [];

for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
  years.push(new Date().getFullYear() - i);

return of the getOptions function should stay out of the for thus finishing the assignments and then returning the array.

 let anos = [];
 for (let valor of years) {
     value: valor,
     label: valor
 return anos;

A tip use let instead of const. To const refers to constant or is not changes, but Let defines a variable within a escopo that can be changed during the execution of the same.


You can also opt for a slightly more declarative solution without the need to use an imperative solution. There is nothing wrong with the for, but he’s a little shy of the "unchanging" standards that React preaches.

So you can also do something like:

function getOptions(ammount = 5) {
  return Array.from({ length: ammount })
    .map((_, index) => new Date().getFullYear() - index);


Basically, we’re creating a list of 5 elements and mapping each element of that array for a specific year. For this, we subtract the current year minus the element index, so we will have:

  • First iteration, zero index: 2020 - 0 -> 2020;
  • Second iteration, index one: 2020 - 1 -> 2019;
  • Third iteration, index two: 2020 - 2 -> 2018;
  • Fourth iteration, index three: 2020 - 1 -> 2017;
  • Fifth iteration, index four: 2020 - 4 -> 2016.
  • 1

    I liked the way you did, especially the imperative and declarative explanation.

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