Responsive menu with Bootstrap


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Good morning! I’m making a website and I’m a beginner. I’m having trouble with my responsive menu and footer. Well the problem of responsive menu is that the burger menu is having trouble clicking it does not open the options only opens if you click almost on the limit of it. And the problem with the footer is that it disappears on the mobile screen. Please help me. Follow the code of the index page.

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1 answer


Playing the code here, I didn’t notice any problem in the burger menu, but in the case of the footer, just remove the classes d-none and d-md-block of the third div inside the footer.

The class d-none makes the div hidden, but the class d-md-block makes div visible only in resolutions md (of 768px up). As in mobile the resolution is usually lower than 768px, the class will prevail d-none, that makes div hidden.

  • Thank you the footer worked... I don’t know what’s wrong with the menu. The menu is not having a focus on all of it, neither on my browser nor on mobile, only works if I click well on the right corner. Unfortunately this for end user does not look good.

  • and only this happening on the index page. after accessing the other tabs works perfectly.

  • Check on inspecting browser elements if you have any elements covering the menu.

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