How to Get the validated Jquery property


Viewed 35 times


I have a question about the Jquery validate. I can use it normally. but I need a validation if the user chooses an option in the "SELECT > OPTION" form, I have two options, "YES", "NO". If the user chooses "YES" will appear another field for him to fill it, but there is my doubt, I am not getting changes the attribution of the fields Rules that was not mandatory, to TRUE, in case he click register and he has not typed in this fields that appeared.

Someone there has a suggestion, but I want to continue using Jquery validate:

Here is my Jquery Code:

rules: {
nomecompleto: {required: true},
sexo: {required: true},
fone: {required: true},
email: {required: true},
foi_convidado: {required: false} // esse campos nao e obrigatorio, ele so aparece no formulario caso o usuario informe fui convidado
messages: {
nomecompleto: {required: 'Campo Obrigatório'},
sexo: {required: 'Campo Obrigatório'},
fone: {required: 'Campo Obrigatório'},
email: {required: 'Campo Obrigatório'},
foi_convidado: {required: 'Campo Obrigatório'}

submitHandler: function (form) {
var dados = $(form).serialize();
    type: "POST",
    url: URL_POST,
    data: dados,
    dataType: 'JSON',
    success: function (data) {
if (data.retorno === true) {
$(".msg-result").html('<div class="bg-success text-center p-20">' + data.mensagem + '</div>');
} else {
$(".msg-result").html('<div class="bg-danger text-center p-20">' + data.mensagem + '</div>');
return false;
errorClass: "text-danger",
errorElement: "span",
highlight: function (element, errorClass, validClass) {
unhighlight: function (element, errorClass, validClass) {

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1 answer


Use the method .rules() of Validate to remove or add the required to the field. You can do this with the method .change() select.

For example, the code elemento.rules("remove", "required") removes the required of the countryside, already the elemento.rules("add", "required") readicione the required.

Take an example:

   .attr("type", this.value == "nao" ? "hidden" : "text")
   .rules(this.value == "nao" ? "remove" : "add", "required");
   if(this.value == "nao"){

   rules: {
      foi_convidado: {required: false} // esse campos nao e obrigatorio, ele so aparece no formulario caso o usuario informe fui convidado
   messages: {
      foi_convidado: {required: 'Campo Obrigatório'}
   submitHandler: function (form) {
      console.log("form enviado");

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<form id="form-visitantes">
   <select name="convidado">
      <option value="nao">Não</option>
      <option value="sim">Sim</option>
   <input name="foi_convidado" type="hidden">
   <div class="msg-result"></div>

  • 1

    Thank you very much Sam, now I understand!

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