
Viewed 64 times


inserir a descrição da imagem aqui I have the following database: I would like to add the INTE_C1 for each month.

That is, for January add from 1/1/2000 to 1/31/2000...

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2 answers


You can also use the package dplyr

summary <-  dados %>%
                  mutate (Date = as.Date(Date, "%m/%d/%Y"),
                          Mes = as.Date(Date, "%Y%m")) %>%
                 group_by (Mes) %>%
                 summarise (Soma = sum (INTE_C1, na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
                 ungroup ()

If you wanted to apply this to all columns you can do as follows

summary <-  dados %>%
                  mutate (Date = as.Date(Date, "%m/%d/%Y"),
                          Mes = as.Date(Date, "%Y%m")) %>%
                 group_by (Mes) %>%
                 summarise_at (vars(INTE_C1:SO2), sum, na.rm = TRUE) %>%
                 ungroup ()

If you foresee more functions you can use the following:

summary <-  dados %>%
                  mutate (Date = as.Date(Date, "%m/%d/%Y"),
                          Mes = as.Date(Date, "%Y%m")) %>%
                 group_by (Mes) %>%
                 summarise_at (vars(INTE_C1:SO2), list (sum, mean, sd), na.rm = TRUE) %>%
                 ungroup ()

Another suggestion is to use working the data in the long format as follows:

library (tidyr)
summary <-  dados %>%
                  mutate (Date = as.Date(Date, "%m/%d/%Y"),
                          Mes = as.Date(Date, "%Y%m")) %>%
                 gather (key = "Parametro", value = "Resultado", INTE_C1:SO2) %>% 
                 group_by (Mes, Parametro) %>%
                 summarise (Soma =  sum(Resultado, na.rm = TRUE),
                            Media =  mean(Resultado, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
                 ungroup ()
  • in long format it is easier to work the data, create loops etc


Here are two ways to add one column per month.

First you have to turn the column Date at a true date.

dados$Date <- as.Date(dados$Date, "%m/%d/%Y")

Now, add the column INTE_C1 with aggregate.

Only with R base, the format creates a class vector "character" with year and month.

mes <- format(dados$Date, "%Y-%m")
aggregate(INTE_C1 ~ mes, dados, sum)

With the package zoo, a vector with year and month of class is also obtained "yearmon" (year Month).

mes <- zoo::as.yearmon(dados$Date)
aggregate(INTE_C1 ~ mes, dados, sum)

Code to create test data.


Date <- seq(as.Date("2000-01-01"), Sys.Date(), by = "day")
Date <- format(Date, "%m/%d/%Y")
INTE_C1 <- sample(20, length(Date), TRUE)
dados <- data.frame(Date, INTE_C1)

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