What areas of mathematics should a game developer know?


Viewed 153 times


In the development of a game something essential is mathematics. With it several amazing things are done both in the games and elsewhere.

The difference between knowing or not this content is extremely relevant, since without it even something like the character’s movement becomes impossible.

Among the most used in games, which areas of mathematics a game developer must meet?

  • This is not a question about programming, so it might be canceled, but if it’s for 3D games you need to understand spatial geometry, for 2D you need plane geometry. In some cases a little physics may be useful, but typically you will have a framework that solves this for you.

  • 6

    You don’t need to know anything about math. You can develop the whole idea and hire a programmer. And the programmer has to know the basics of mathematical functions, variables, sum, multiplication, matrices (usually), and yet another series of these things, which have nothing to do with geometry, as suggested in the answer marked as accepted. If the person knows what is "Horizontal and vertical" even if very empirically, makes many 2D games without problems. Different from you talking about a "Scorched Earth", games with physics, and things like that (but there is being biased to support the thesis)

1 answer


I once played a game of "Tower Defense" with C++... It was a very cool and challenging experience..

You end up using "pure" math at specific points... In my case, I needed to use Pitagoras to make the bullet chase the enemy, for example.. In addition to having a basic notion about cartesian plan.

Still on the Cartesian plan, if you make a 2D platform game, need to understand well about coordinates, to send the right commands to your character.. (If I press the button D, shift character 15pixels to the right).

Indirectly, mathematics is always next to programming... To develop an AI for your game too, another example of more mathematics.. Ever ridden a Rubik’s Cube? It solves itself with math... You need to know the right sequence of algorithms to solve the cube. (similar to what an AI game does, in some examples...)

There are Engines that have already been created for the purpose of creating games.. With these Engines often Voce does not need to put one formula in your code, because the engine already takes care of it (with math)... But no doubt you need to be aware of what is happening behind the scenes of your code.

There is a type of games that has been famous for some time.. The style Idle.. Overall, in this style you need to have a notion about geometric progression

Finally.. Mathematics in general is always next to programming

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