I am having the following error when using the postgresql database in production (version 9.46), in development the error does not appear (9.6). PG::Groupingerror: ERROR: column "sectors.name" should appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregation function. follows the sql query:
SELECT materiais.id material_id, insumos.nome material_nome,
apresentacoes.id apresentacao_id, apresentacoes.apresentacao
apresentacao_apresentacao, estoques.setor_id, estoques.setor_nome,
estoques.total total, estoques.valor_total valor_total FROM materiais
INNER JOIN insumos ON insumos.id = materiais.insumo_id
LEFT JOIN apresentacoes ON apresentacoes.material_id = materiais.id
SELECT setores.nome setor_nome,
estoques.setor_id setor_id,
SUM(lotes.quantidade) total,
SUM(lotes.quantidade*lotes.valor_unitario_cents) valor_total
FROM estoques
INNER JOIN setores ON setores.id = estoques.setor_id
INNER JOIN lotes ON lotes.estoque_id = estoques.id
GROUP BY (setores.nome,
estoques ON estoques.material_id = materiais.id AND apresentacoes.id =
where materiais.setor_type = 'Farmacia'
ORDER BY insumos.nome DESC, apresentacoes.id
Note: I’ve tried using an aggregation function in select by: array_agg(sectors.name)[1] setor_name. But the error goes to the next column of select, causing me to add all the columns. Does anyone have another solution without being so gambiarra? and. and
You have a table
and is also assigning the nicknameestoques
to your sub-select, you have already tried to assign a different nickname?– anonimo
Note that it was introduced in version 9.6: "Ignore GROUP BY Columns that are functionally dependent on other Columns".
– anonimo
I changed the alias name to full stoques_and the error persists. Maybe it is the version of the same postegres, in case n appears another option I will try to update the version of the production bank.
– Victor Teixeira