Hello. I have the following query:
from usuarios_cursos_matriculados
LEFT JOIN cursos ON cursos.cedoc_doc_id_fk = usuarios_cursos_matriculados.cedoc_doc_id_fk
LEFT JOIN cedoc_doc ON cedoc_doc.cedoc_doc_id = cursos.cedoc_doc_id_fk
LEFT JOIN cursos_aulas ON cursos.cedoc_doc_id_fk = cursos_aulas.cedoc_doc_id_fk
LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM ultimas_aulas order by data_realizada DESC) AS c ON c.id_curso = cedoc_doc.cedoc_doc_id
GROUP BY cursos_aulas.cedoc_doc_id_fk DESC
In this case, the table should pull the courses in which the user is enrolled contained in the table usuarios_cursos_matriculados
, the first class of the course, contained in the table cursos_aulas
and the last class viewed, contained in the table last lessons. The query is working in half, it correctly pulls the courses enrolled and the first class of each course, however, it does not correctly sort the last lessons viewed by the user in the selected courses. Instead of ordering it in descending order according to the column data_realizada
, which contains the date on which the date was viewed, it orders in ascending order. When I remove group by, it orders correctly, however, records get duplicated.
How could I fix the operation of this query?
I believe that here:
GROUP BY cursos_aulas.cedoc_doc_id_fk DESC
you skipped the ORDER BY clause`.– anonimo
Is the query correct? Only the order that is wrong? You want only the last class or all ordered?
– user178974