Create a function called
, which receives per parameter the number of turns represented by a numerical value and returns the amount of calories that will be consumed.
For example: calling the function caloriasDeTrote(2)
Should return 15 where 5 calories are from the first round (5 * 1) plus 10 calories from the second (5 * 2).
So I tried to create the following function:
function caloriasDeTrote(numeroDeVoltas) {
var calorias = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < numeroDeVoltas; i++) {
calorias = 5 * numeroDeVoltas
return calorias;
Only the result does not come out as expected, because in this example, when calling the function caloriasDeTrote(2)
, should return number 15 and not 10.
For caloriasDeTrote(1)
is equal to 5 (5 * 1) and caloriasDeTrote(2)
is equal to 10 (5* 2) so the function should add up the values resulting in 15. This would be the logic on.
calorias += 5 * i;
or turn the function into a PG:function caloriasDeTrote(voltas) { return (voltas == 1)? 5 : 5 + 5 * voltas;}
– Augusto Vasques
@Augustovasques thanks for the return but it didn’t work, I used the following function: Function caloriesDeTrote(turns) { Return (turns == 1)? 5 : 5 + 5 * turns} but when I call the function with the value 3 caloriesDeTrote(3) it returns 20 and should return 30, because it would be (51) = 5 + (52) = 10 + (5*3) = 15 , thus 5+10+15 = 30
– Thiago