How to assign a value after a selection in Section - JAVASCRIPT


Viewed 88 times


i would like to know how to assign values to the selects of my code, for example if person select "from R$ 25,000/month to R$ 50,000/month" a value is generated in the Javascript code equivalent to 50, because I want to take this value to make a calculation at the end.

An example of something similar to what I want to do is shown in GIF, where varying the value of <input> the total value is also changed.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

My code is currently this:


var faturamento_anual = document.getElementById('faturamento')
     var faturamento_selecionado = ""
     if (faturamento_anual[1].checked) {
        faturamento_selecionado = '50'
     } else if (faturamento_anual[2].checked) {
      faturamento_selecionado = '150'
<select name="faturamento" id="faturamento">    
                        <option value="cinco_mil"><li>Até R$ 5.000/mês</li></option>
                        <option value="dez_mil">de R$ 5.000/mês até R$ 10.000/mês</option>
                        <option value="vinte_mil">de R$ 10.000/mês até R$ 25.000/mês</option>
                        <option value="cinquenta_mil">de R$ 25.000/mês até R$ 50.000/mês</option>
                        <option value="cem_mil">de R$ 50.000/mês até R$ 100.000/mês</option>
                        <option value="mill_mil">mais de R$ 100.000/mês</option>

And in Javascript I tried but gave error in every calculation system.

  • Puts the javascript you’re trying for...

  • First, welcome. Look, you will have to hold a change event in your select. And you can also assign the values to the values of the respective options. When you perform the event change, then you can take the selected value by making a Document.getElementById and taking the value of the select and assign it to a variable, for example.

  • The attribute that indicates whether an option has been selected is selected nay checked.

1 answer



You need to listen to the change event in the select value.

Try something like this in javascript:

document.getElementById("faturamento").addEventListener('change', function(){

    let valores = new Array();
    valores['cinco_mil'] = 5;
    valores['dez_mil'] = 10;
    valores['vinte_mil'] = 20;
    valores['cinquenta_mil'] = 50;
    valores['cem_mil'] = 100;
    valores['mill_mil'] = 1000;
    let valorSelecionado = this.value;

Remember that you can directly put numeric values in HTML:

<option value="5">Até R$ 5.000/mês</option>

And use more easily in Javascript:

document.getElementById("faturamento").addEventListener('change', function(){
  • 1

    Thank you I used the method of using the direct value in hrml and it worked, thank you <3 I am very happy with the result! ^-^

  • Hello. It’s great news that it worked. I ask you to mark the answer as accepted, so we help other people with similar questions.

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