I’m using a javascript code that uploads the talker’s photo(a) according to the date and time it’s in the air. I would like the code to exchange the images according to the time of MY SERVER and not of the user’s computer, so that the photos are also displayed correctly in another time zone. How should I proceed? Follow the code below:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
function rodarImagens(){
var current = new Date();
var agora = current.getDay();
var hora = current.getHours();
var minutos = current.getMinutes();
var locutor = document.getElementById('locutor');
switch (agora){
case 0: //domingo
if(hora >= 0 && hora < 6){ locutor.src =
if(hora >= 6 && hora < 9){ locutor.src =
if(hora >= 9 && hora < 12){ locutor.src =
if(hora >= 12 && hora < 13){ locutor.src =
if(hora >= 13 && hora < 17){ locutor.src =
if(hora >= 17 && hora < 18){ locutor.src =
if(hora >= 18 && hora < 24){ locutor.src =
case 1: //segunda
if(hora >= 0 && hora < 7){ locutor.src =
if(hora >= 7 && hora < 9){ locutor.src =
if(hora >= 9 && hora < 12){ locutor.src =
if(hora >= 12 && hora < 14){ locutor.src =
if(hora >= 14 && hora < 16){ locutor.src =
if (hora == 16 && minutos < 40){locutor.src =
if (hora == 16 && minutos >= 40){locutor.src =
if(hora >= 17 && hora < 19){ locutor.src =
if(hora >= 19 && hora < 24){ locutor.src =
case 2: //terça
case 3: //quarta
case 4: //quinta
case 5: //sexta
case 6: //sábado
if(hora >= 0 && hora < 8){ locutor.src =
if(hora >= 8 && hora < 10){ locutor.src =
"/site103fm/imagenshorario/operador .png"}
if(hora >= 10 && hora < 12){ locutor.src =
if(hora >= 12 && hora < 13){ locutor.src =
if(hora >= 13 && hora < 17){ locutor.src =
if(hora >= 17 && hora < 19){ locutor.src =
if(hora >= 19 && hora < 24){ locutor.src =
setTimeout(function(){ rodarImagens() }, 1000);
<body onload="rodarImagens()">
<img src="" id="locutor" style="right:6px;margin-top:7px;position: absolute;
z-index: 99999999;" />
Javascript is a language that runs directly in the user’s browser, so you would have to pull this date from somewhere as an API or have that date saved on your page so that the script can pull it. Maybe I am wrong and this library can help you: https://github.com/NodeGuy/ServerDate
– reigelado
What language is used on the site?
– Sam
I am using Joomla. PHP with Mysql database.
– ajdbrasil
I recommend studying Ajax and implementing on your site. If you have any questions, ask here that we would be happy to help.
– Sam
Make a move on this topic, which is difficult to analyze the code. ;)
– RpgBoss