How to compress files into multiple files with specific sizes?


Viewed 147 times


I have several files in one folder, these files are already . zip files, . 7zip, . rar...

To facilitate the work of handling these files, I wanted to divide them into smaller files using c#.

Is there any way to split these files into smaller files without needing to unzip them with some function or package?

1 answer


Using the Ionic.Zip library you can do this. But you will create new compact files containing your compressed files.

public static void ComprimirEmPartes(string diretorio, string arquivoSaida)
    using (var zip = new ZipFile())
        //Serão compactados novamente todos os arquivos dessa pasta

        //Serão gerados arquivos com no máximo 5MB
        zip.MaxOutputSegmentSize = 5 * 1024 * 1024; // 5MB

        //TO DO: Aqui você poderia ir apagando os arquivos já processados.

public static void ExtrairTudo(string arquivoZip, string diretorioSaida)
    using (var z = ZipFile.Read(arquivoZip))

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