Ionic 4 html form completion confirmation


Viewed 105 times


my app has an address form, which searches all the data by the zip code, but it needs to put the number manually, however currently, the user can confirm without filling in the number, I’m new at this, as I can validate this, use Ionic 4, thought to make a validation function in Java but do not know how to implement it

  • What is the form code? Include it in the question by clicking "edit".

1 answer


Good night, my friend, There is a library on Ionic called formControl.

The one studied in it, follows link about it

I’d make an example but at the moment I’m out of time.

Remembering that you have to import from @angularForm and instaicala to use in your project.

Good luck, anything I’m here, thank you for not being able to make an example at the moment.

  • Maybe he’s not using Angular Ionic.

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