Postgres Decode and convert_from error


Viewed 240 times


Has anyone been through the Postgres issue to error the Code Base64? I have the following call that informs [Err] ERROR: end of sequence is invalid

convert_from(decode('YnJhc2lsc2VtbGVp', 'base64'), 'UTF8')

Remembering where I am 'Ynjhc2lsc2vtbgvp' I’m using a variable, so it looks like this

convert_from(decode(variavel, 'base64'), 'UTF8')
  • Probably missed the == at the end of the sequence: convert_from(decode('YnJhc2lsc2VtbGVp==', 'base64'), 'UTF8')

  • @Jorgekania You talk about such a variavel but does not mention its type or content. This information is crucial for the understanding and explanation of your question.

1 answer


Situation resolved.

I converted the field to TEXT type and solved it.

  • 13

    Perhaps you could explain your answer a little better so you can help future visitors and even earn points for it.

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