Save list! Next, I have an Activity where I call a Fragment using
// ...
val manager = supportFragmentManager
val transaction = manager.beginTransaction()
_Fragment = AcvtFragmentView()
val args = Bundle()
args.putBoolean("cal_warning", true)
args.putString("ID", ID)
args.putString("name", kName)
args.putString("email", kEmail)
args.putString("date", date)
args.putString("time", time)
args.putString("keypub", keypub)
args.putString("msg", interpretation)
transaction.replace(R.id.fragmentview, _Fragment!!)
// ...
It’s working well, but what happens is that when it opens on the screen of this Activity and I click on any Textview inside this fragment it closes alone and I need to type text in these fields. I’ve been all over the Internet.
I wonder if anyone here could help me with this?
Follows the code of Activity Acvtfragmenteview:
class AcvtFragmentView : Fragment() {
// ...
internal var actionCallBack: onActionEventListener? = null
interface onActionEventListener {
fun dlgActions(id: Int,name: String?,email: String?,datepub: String?,interpretation: String?)
override fun onAttach(context: Context) {
mContext = context
try {
actionCallBack = context as onActionEventListener
} catch (e: ClassCastException) {
throw ClassCastException("$activity must implement onSomeEventListener")
override fun onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
mydb = DreamsItemHelper(mContext)
override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater,container: ViewGroup?,savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View? {
window = inflater.inflate(R.layout.layout_interprete, container, false)
val ID = arguments!!.getString("ID")
val dDate = arguments!!.getString("date")
val tTime = arguments!!.getString("time")
val keypub = arguments!!.getString("keypub")
val interp = arguments!!.getString("msg")
date = window!!.findViewById<View>(R.id.datepubItView) as TextView
date!!.text = dDate
val kName = arguments!!.getString("name")
val kEmail = arguments!!.getString("email")
val name = window!!.findViewById<View>(R.id.interName) as EditText
val email = window!!.findViewById<View>(R.id.interEmail) as EditText
interpretation = window!!.findViewById<View>(R.id.edtInterpretation) as EditText
interpretation!!.text = interp
btnsend = window!!.findViewById<View>(R.id.btnSendToInterpret) as TextView
if (interp != null) {
btnsend!!.isEnabled = false
btnsend!!.setOnClickListener {
val c = Calendar.getInstance()
val iName = name.text.toString()
val iEmail = email.text.toString()
val aDay = fillLeft(c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH).toString(), "0")
val aMonth = fillLeft((c.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1).toString(), "0")
val aYear = fillLeft(c.get(Calendar.YEAR).toString(), "0")
val lang = Locale.getDefault().language
var dateGlobal = ""
when (lang.toLowerCase()) {
"en" -> dateGlobal = aYear + "-" + aMonth + "-" + aDay
"es" -> dateGlobal = aDay + "-" + aMonth + "-" + aYear
"pt" -> dateGlobal = aDay + "-" + aMonth + "-" + aYear
val inter = (interpretation as EditText).text.toString()
val id = Integer.valueOf(ID!!)
val isOk = !iName.equals("") && !iEmail.equals("") && iEmail.contains("@") && iEmail.contains(".")
if (isOk)
val btnclose = window!!.findViewById<View>(R.id.btnCloseInterpret) as TextView
btnclose.setOnClickListener { setGone() }
return window
Since you are using Kotlin, take a look at the View Binding plugin of Android Extensions, with it you no longer need
, just call the view by its Id in the layout (at the appropriate time, in this case,onViewCreated
) https://kotlinlang.org/docs/tutorials/android-plugin.html– Lennoard Silva