Jquery - Open all tabs


Viewed 27 times


I’ve created a div that will expand. But when I click expand, all the Ivs open instead of just opening the one I want to expand. Is there any way to open only the div I clicked?

Note: It will be connected to the database and new Ivs will be created over time, so ID is not under consideration.

My code:


<div class="titulo">Título</div>
   <div class="open"><i class="fas fa-chevron-down></i></div>
   <div class="open"><i class="fas fa-chevron-up></i></div>
<div class="corpo"></div>


i.fa-chevron-up{display: none}
.corpo{display: none}



  • Emanoel, with this css nothing is shown on the screen except the title. Check if this is it.

  • Dude, I can’t help you with this code, just do a functional example here: https://jsbin.com/

1 answer


I didn’t test it, but I believe it works:

<div class="titulo">Título</div>
   <div class="open"><i class="fas">a</i></div>
   <div class="open"><i class="fas">v</i></div>
<div class="corpo"></div>

<script type="text/javascript">


Use the script after html so that jquery can capture which object is being clicked to capture the value of this

  • If you prefer, to give a more interesting effect, trade Hide() for slideup() and show() for slideDown();

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