I have an application hosted using a Hosting Service subdomain, this application also uses Dynamic Links
It is possible to use a path, for example, /share/<link>
in the same application domain? (This route has no file in the application)
I tried configuring the angular.json file:
"hosting": {
"appAssociation": "AUTO",
"rewrites": [{
"source": "/e/**",
"dynamicLinks": true
}, {
"source": "**",
"destination": "/index.html"
// [...]
However, when trying to add a new URL prefix to the application domain, it requires me to make a configuration that I don’t know how to do:
Is it possible to do this? How?
@Costamilam It’s not just the <projectId>.web.app that covers the response, but to any additional website coming from web app.. Because you can have multiple sites in the same project.
– Marcos Zolnowski
True, and in the case of page.link, it’s not even the id. Better reverse the edit
– Costamilam