How I debug a method in a Web Service . asmx


Viewed 518 times


I have a call in my application, which goes to a WS and executes a method and returns me. How do I debug the WS?

  • Visual Studio Remote Web Service Debugging

  • Where is this Remote Web Service Debugging option?

  • Is WS developed by you? I mean, do you have it in your Visual Studio, or is it something you don’t have access to?

  • Yes, it was developed by a colleague here at the company 6 years ago. I am now arriving at the company(2 weeks only).

2 answers


To debug from Visual Studio you must attach (attach) to the working process (Work Process) ASP.NET. I’m not with Visual Studio at the moment but I believe these are the following steps:

1-Start your web application calling the Webservice. Place the breakpoint somewhere before the method in which Webservice is called.

2- In the menu Debug, choosing Processes/Attach to Proccess.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

3-A dialog box appears displaying the processes. In the list of available processes, choose the aspnet_wp.exe or w3wp.exe process. Click the button Attach to attach the Webservice to the application process.

If you are in doubt of which process to attach, just run the application/webservice that Visual Studio itself displays a popup:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

At this link has the part of "Debugging a Deployed XML Web Service" explaining in more detail.

  • I will test as a response. This test cannot be done today because my manager has changed the priority, but I think this responds to my post.


If you have the WS source code you can debug it from Visual Studio’s own WCF Test Client, otherwise (just make a call to consume WS) you can only simulate the method call using Soap UI.

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