in Sqlalchemy what is the difference between filter and filter_by


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Is there any difference between the function filter and filter_by in Sqlalchemy?

If it exists, when should I use each of them properly?

1 answer



If you check the method documentation Query.filter(*criterions) you will see that it receives a variable number of positional parameters. Examples of use would be:

session.query(MyClass).filter( == 'some name')
session.query(MyClass).filter( == 'some name', > 5)
session.query(MyClass).filter( == 'some name', 
                     > 5,
                              MyClass.other == 'teste')

As you can see, Query.filter will receive a sequence with the search criteria.


Now, checking the documentation of the method Query.filter_by(**kwargs) you may already notice that it receives a variable amount of named parameters. Some examples of use:

session.query(MyClass).filter_by(name='some name')
session.query(MyClass).filter_by(name='some name', id=5)
session.query(MyClass).filter_by(name='some name', id=5, other='teste')

What’s the difference between them?

The main difference is that filter works with SQL expressions and filter_by works only with equality between the key and values of its arguments.

In practice, filter_by only works with comparison of equality between the keys and their values, while filter can work with most versatile operators.

session.query(MyClass).filter( == 'some name')
# seria o mesmo que
session.query(MyClass).filter_by(name='some name')

# Não possuem versão compatível usando `filter_by`
session.query(MyClass).filter( < 5)
session.query(MyClass).filter( != 8)

This is proven when you look at the method code Query.filter_by:

class Query(Generative):

    def filter(self, *criterion):

    def filter_by(self, **kwargs):
        clauses = [
            _entity_descriptor(self._joinpoint_zero(), key) == value
            for key, value in kwargs.items()
        return self.filter(*clauses)

See that the filter_by under the table transforms the named arguments into SQL expressions of equality and passes to filter.

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