Format String to insert into Mysql (TIMESTAMP)


Viewed 565 times


I need to insert a string that is like:


in a Mysql database and using PHP in a field TIMESTAMP.

How can I format the string for insertion using PHP?

  • You can use the function sprintf

  • If this were not a date -OR- it did not have the definition of Timezone (.000Z), yes. I wanted to know what it would look like with Datetime, but after what I suffered last time dealing with timezones with it, I won’t even try. : p

2 answers


You can also do so, using the function that Silvio commented with the function date to format before inserting into the database:

$timestamp = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime("2014-11-25T14:13:35.000Z"));


You can use the strtotime

$timestamp = strtotime("2014-11-25T14:13:35.000Z"); // 1416924815

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