Analyze emails with R


Viewed 60 times


I would like to know if there is any package in R that does Mining text for outlook emails, so that it can filter emails by keywords, or by some kind of argument, extracting relevant information and ignoring other emails.

1 answer


R has packages that allow you to analyze text documents for document processing, such as filtering and information extraction. However, Apis, not R soh, like Python, Java, etc, are quite "low level".

I may be wrong, but looking at your question I believe you are a beginner in the matter of text Mining. Finally, there is the KDD process that guides the researcher on how to analyze documents.

In case, I believe you will need to extract emails from Outlook for text documents. Do the wiping and processing of data. Apply basic Mining text techniques such as stop word removal, TF-IDF, etc.

After creating a word dictionary, and applying uim regex to all documents, to locate the words. When you write "extracting relevant information" it can mean many things.

Since the question has no code and still suggests that you are very beginner, I recommend taking some course in the area, such as Datacamp which is super practical.

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