I would like to know if there is a php strpos() error function in javascript on mainly for the Node.js environment and would like to know how to use it.
I would like to know if there is a php strpos() error function in javascript on mainly for the Node.js environment and would like to know how to use it.
Trelhac, the closest function to PHP strpos in javascript is the index, where it returns an integer relative to the position of the searched string:
let valor = "Teste";
//Vai encontrar o valor
//Não vai encontrar o valor
In case you want to check only the contained, it is worth taking a read also on the includes:
Browser other questions tagged javascript node.js
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have how I use this in if?
– trelhac
Here is an example: https://repl.it/repls/ProudDescriptiveDiscussions
– Daniel Mendes