How to eliminate the pause between animations of an Animationset?


Viewed 61 times


I have the following routine:

private void move(float graus1, float graus2, float xx1, float xx2, float yy1, float yy2) {
        animSet = new AnimationSet(false);      
        rotate = new RotateAnimation(graus1,graus2,Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, .5f,Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 2f);         
        translate = new TranslateAnimation(xx1, xx2, yy1, yy2);         
        animSet.setInterpolator(new LinearInterpolator());

It works beauty. However, when the Rotate is finished, there is a stop to start Translate. How can there not be this pause, and the image follow at the same speed all the way? I tried everything. I changed the interpolator with several types and nothing... I appreciate some help.

1 answer


Just inform the Animationset that should use the same Interpolator in all animations:

animSet = new AnimationSet(true);

The delay, who noted, is due to the creation of a new Interpolator to manage the next animation of set.

The "boolean" value passed to the constructor Animationset(Boolean shareInterpolator) that’s what it’s for.

  • ramaral, very well explained. It worked... Very Obg...

  • ramaral, I came up with two other doubts: How do I get the X and Y of the image at a certain point in the journey? in the example above the total animating time is 4000. How do I know what is the value of X and Y, for example, in the 2500? And the other: How still in the execution of the animation I change the time (setDuration), ie I put 2000 and 2000, more at the click of a button I want to decrease or increase the speed, for example, to 1000 and 1000 or 3000 and 3000, etc...?

  • 1

    All this is possible to be done(at least the first). It will be easier to do if instead of View Animations which is obsolete, use Property Animations. However, this is not something that has already been done, you may have to use a Valueanimator and implement these requirements.

  • 1

    A good source of information about animations:

  • ramaral, I’m already researching and studying what you commented above... Do you also understand Sqlite3? Because I posted a doubt... Hugs.

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