How to make a mask in MS Access that works for 10 or 11 digit phones?


Viewed 2,451 times


I would like to know how to make a mask that works for phones of both 10 and 11 digits in Microsoft Access. Which would be:

(99) 1234-1234

(99) 12345-1234

I only know how to use the standard masks, and the ones I tried to do the "-" comes out in the wrong place for 10 digits (Ex.: (99) 12345-123).

Thank you in advance!

  • could post your attempts ( "-" in the wrong place )?

3 answers


Put the following script in the aoSair command of the text box focus

If isnull(Txttelefone) or TxtTelefone="" Then exit sub

Select case len(TxtTelefone)
Case 10 
    TxtTelefone=Format("00 0000-0000")
case 11
    TxtTelefone=Format("00 00000-0000")
case else
    msgbox "Preenchimento incorrecto."
end select

I believe it will work.


If isnull(Txttelefone) or Txttelefone="" Then Exit sub

Select case Len(Txttelefone)

Case 10

TxtTelefone=Format(TxtTelefone,"00 0000-0000")

case 11

TxtTelefone=Format(TxtTelefone,"00 00000-0000")

case Else

msgbox "Preenchimento incorrecto."


end select

So it’ll work out for sure



In the properties of the fields, both of cell phone hot fixed, in the column Data types select Short text and enter in the input mask field the following formats:

(99)9999-9999 for landline telephone (99) 99999-9999 for mobile.

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