I have this next arrow in a layout, but I don’t want to make an image, but only with CSS. How do I do? I have to wear edges?
I have this next arrow in a layout, but I don’t want to make an image, but only with CSS. How do I do? I have to wear edges?
You can do it with CSS with two shapes, a rectangle and a triangle. And so you can put the size you want of the arrow.
width: 0;
height: 0;
border-top: 50px solid transparent; /* tamanho do topo ao meio */
border-left: 75px solid red; /* comprimeto da seta */
border-bottom: 50px solid transparent; /* tamanho do meio a baixo */
margin-left:100px; /* comprimento da cauda */
width: 100px; /* comprimento da cauda */
height: 50px; /* largura da cauda */
background: red;
position: absolute;
margin-top:25px; /* metade da largura para ficar centrado*/
<div id="rectangle"></div>
<div id="triangle-right"></div>
Using borders you can improvise with CSS only, without needing any image:
.flecha::after {
width: 20px;
height: 6px;
.flecha {
width: 0;
height: 0;
border-top: 6px solid transparent;
border-bottom: 6px solid transparent;
border-left: 6px solid black;
<div class="flecha"></div>
Edit: the logic is similar to @Jorge B’s response, but does not need changes to the HTML by using pseudo-elements instead of two Divs.
If the problem of having an image is the external resource, instead of linking the image, you can use a data URI:
.flecha {
width: 26px;
height: 12px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-image: url();
<div class="flecha"></div>
what is that background-image
is the image you use at the bottom, in this case, of your div arrow.
You can use a Unicode HTML (decimal or hexadecimal) to make the arrow, and be able to adapt the font size, colors, etc with css:
<p style="font-size:40px;">→<p>
<p style="font-size:20px; color:red;">→<p>
Example LINK
For more examples, you can see through w3schools
In my browser (Chrome/OSX) the characters are not displayed. But when I copied and pasted in a text editor, they appeared. ???
@bfavaretto, maybe it’s platform problem, I don’t know. In windows environment works in the 3 browsers, I find it very strange that this happens to you
Another alternative to this, even if it’s not pure CSS, is to use webfonts icons like http://typicons.com/ They are completely customizable in CSS (color, size, opacity, etc.).
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@Felipestoker, if you want the arrow exactly the way you have it, this is the best solution. Bacco’s however, is not affected by css’s if you want to apply much by setting a background image. + 1
– CesarMiguel
Example like you asked http://jsfiddle.net/wwjpwd3m/1/
– Jorge B.
You guys are 10! That’s exactly what I wanted!
– Felipe Viero Goulart
@Jorgeb. Is there a way I put a border? I saw that if I put it, it leaves square.
– Felipe Viero Goulart
You want an edge around the whole arrow?
– Jorge B.