I’m working on a project where I have several models who share the behavior of being approvable. After doing some research, I came to the conclusion that the best thing in this case is to use the Concerns with the help of Activesupport::Concern. I confess that I really could not find much difference in relation to what other languages already do with the use of interfaces, if anyone can clarify me better about this; thank you. Get to the point, man Concern baptized with Approvable is as follows:
module Approvable
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
validates :approval_status,
presence: true,
inclusion: { :in => NixusValidation::ValidApprovalStatuses, :message => :inclusion, unless: 'approval_status.blank?' }
scope :approved, -> { where(approvalStatus: NixusValidation::ApprovalStatuses::APPROVED) }
scope :pending, -> { where(approvalStatus: NixusValidation::ApprovalStatuses::PENDING) }
scope :unapproved, -> { where(approvalStatus: NixusValidation::ApprovalStatuses::UNAPPROVED) }
def approved?()
self.approval_status == NixusValidation::ApprovalStatuses::APPROVED
There are still some appearances pending, such as "approve" and "disapprove", but my doubt consists of the following, every approved model will need to own and persist an approval_status attribute. How do you model this without using inheritance? Is the "right" way to simply know that every approvable model should include this attribute? How to design tests? I create a simple object that includes the module?