I’m trying to create a new project with JAVAFX in the NETBEANS 11.1 with the UBUNTU 18.04. I tried several ways to configure, reinstalled JDK, switched between JDK 13 and Openjdk, installed openjfx, but nothing. The error message that appears is as follows:
Failed to Automatically set-up a Javafx Platform. Please go to Platform Manager, create a non-default Java SE Platform, then go to the Javafx tab, enable Javafx and Fill in the paths to Valid Javafx SDK and Javafx Runtime. Note: Javafx SDK can be downloaded from Javafx website.
hello, did you already follow this link? https://netbeans.org/kb/72/java/javafx-setup.html
– André
I even switched to JDK12, JDK11 Openjdk and nothing.