How to transform a string into a float through the angular template?


Viewed 175 times


I’m using the component agm-map and I need to move on to the properties [latitude] and [longitude] coordinates. I am receiving these values in string, but need to convert into numeric.

I tried something like:



But I get:

_co.parseFloat is not a Function

This is an example of localLongitudeB which I receive from my front, but is in string: -47.410351923

1 answer


I don’t quite understand your difficulty, but you can’t do the parse directly in Html, this does not exist, nor with interpolations Moustache {{}} can’t, parseFloat is a Javascript function and therefore has to be declared in a Javascript file, what you can do is have 2 variables, 1 variable gets the value in string as I said and in another you save the value of parse and use as you want, as in the property in Html, an example:


latitude: string = '-47.410351923';
latNumber: number = null;

ngOnInit() {
  this.latNumber = parseFloat(this.latitude);
  console.log(typeof this.latNumber)              // tipo do valor => number : -47.410351923


 [latitude]="latNumber"                           <!-- valor aqui -->


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