I have this function that makes the .zip
of the current folder to save. But I want you to save to the folder backup
$data = date("d_m_y");
$exten = "_backup.zip"; // Nome final com extensão
class Zipper extends ZipArchive
public function Compact($cwd) {
$open = opendir($cwd);
while($folder = readdir($open))
if ($folder != '.' && $folder != '..')
if (is_dir($cwd.'/'.$folder))
$dir = str_replace('./', '',($cwd.'/'.$folder));
elseif (is_file($cwd.'/'.$folder))
$arq = str_replace('./', '',$cwd.'/'.$folder);
$zip = new Zipper();
if ($zip->open($data.$exten, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE) === true){
It worked, but it was necessary to leave the directory path without the first bar: $directory = "backup/"
– Expl0it
I corrected the answer, put the function
which takes the directory you are currently in and puts the folderbackup
. Whenever an answer is correct, mark it as correct so that others with the same doubt know that the proposed solution worked. Another thing, to get it right use./backup/arquivo.zip
use the.
at first.– Antony Alkmim