Problem with HREF import


Viewed 73 times


I can’t really explain what’s going on with my code, because I’m a beginner in programming. But here’s the thing: I imported href into my css file; into html:



    <title> RPG in Browser </title>

    <link href="Componentes/CSS/O Começo.css" rel="stylesheet">


and another href import to an image I want you to click and direct to another page:


<td> <a href="Componentes/HTML/Arqueiro/Página 01/HTML/Página 01.html">

<img src="Componentes/Imagens/O Começo/Arqueiro.jpg" id="ImagemClasse"> </a> </td> 

except that the page and the page does not matter the css file and everything is blank. But when I take the second href the page goes back to normal, with the normal css setting, but without the image forwarding to the page I want. I wonder if I can do two href imports or if I can do only one in the whole code and how I solve that problem.

HTML code:



    <title> RPG in Browser </title>

    <link href="Componentes/CSS/O Começo.css" rel="stylesheet">


<div id="TabelaCentral">

    <table id="Tabela">


            <td id="Classe"> <b id="Font35"> Arqueiro </b> </td>

            <td id="Classe"> <b id="Font35"> Guerreiro </b> </td>

            <td id="Classe"> <b id="Font35"> Mago </b> </td>



            <td> <a href="Componentes/HTML/Arqueiro/Página 01/HTML/Página 01.html">

            <img src="Componentes/Imagens/O Começo/Arqueiro.jpg" id="ImagemClasse"> </a> </td> 

            <td> <a href="Página 03.html">

            <img src="Componentes/Imagens/O Começo/Guerreiro.jpg" id="ImagemClasse"> </a> </td> 

            <td> <a href="Página 04.html">

            <img src="Componentes/Imagens/O Começo/Mago.jpg" id="ImagemClasse"> </a> </td>






CSS code:

body {

background-image: url("../Imagens/O Começo/Background - Main.jpg");

background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 100%;


#TabelaCentral {

    margin-top:125; align: center; 

#Tabela {

    width: 350; height: 250; margin: auto;


#Classe {

    height: 75; width: 200; text-align: center; background-color: white;


#Font35 {

    font-size: 35;


#ImagemClasse {

    height: 300; width: 200; align: center;


Sorry for code formatting errors, I’m still learning to use the platform.

  • Perry, enter the full code, please, because there should be no error, maybe some other item is generating this problem.

  • ready, put on

  • 1

    to add information to you, there is an important conceptual error in this code, you used equal ID in several objects, when id must be unique, change for example id="Class" for class="Class" and in css change #Class for . Class

2 answers


change <link href="Componentes/CSS/O Começo.css" rel="stylesheet"> for <link href="Componentes/CSS/ocomeco.css" rel="stylesheet">, change the file name to ocomeco.css, also change any link that you have placed a space between words, if it is necessary to put "the beginning" put this way o-comeco.css, preferably without the ç, in a page utf-8 it is recognized, more can give some failure in the request in some servers, although in a normal page of a post, you could use it without major problems, since it is registered this way.

see if it works and give me a feedback, if it worked out, mark as solved : )


To fix this problem, try adding the HTML page to the tag:

<meta charset="utf-8">

So you can use the characters available in our language. If the error persists, try changing the name of your CSS page.

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