Error when integrating template to Angular 7


Viewed 76 times


Hello, I have a problem: I am integrating a template that works on jQuery, css3 and Html5. I added it to node_modules and referenced the scripts in angular.json. The template css is working normally, but no javascript/jquery function is working, anyone can help me?

Referencing :

"scripts": [
  • Read it here:

  • Good afternoon, I already gave a read and tried applying this method, but it didn’t work. Nothing using the template’s main.js file is working....

1 answer


To use the jquery

 npm install jquery --save

at the angular.json

"scripts": [ "../node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js" ]

To use Jquery, you must import in any Component you wanted to use

import * as $ from 'jquery';

This example uses the app-rot in your Komponent

import { Component, OnInit  } from '@angular/core';
import * as $ from 'jquery';
  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {

  public ngOnInit()
    //jQuery code

take a look at official documentation

  • I’ve done all this, the jquery itself is working, but the code of my template does not work. No event works, sidebar doesn’t work, nothing, nothing... it’s complicated :/

  • can you pass me the repository code on github? what low and help you solve

  • The template is giant, has lots of code... you have some means to contact?

  • I deployed the project:

  • Package.json is missing from the repository you submitted

  • you can start a new project and import bower_components and Assets from the src/Assets folder ??

  • yes... the way you put it even... in the.json angular scripts, if you put the scripts, you don’t have to import at index.html... ex: "scripts": [ "src/Assets/bower_components/Moment/Moment.js"]

  • So, but unfortunately it didn’t work either way, you did it?

  • Actually, I was able to import some of the dependencies, but the bower_module folder does not have some others. I had problems mainly with the codemirror. I’ll investigate further and I’ll tell you if I can

  • All right, I’m on hold, mate, so far I haven’t been able to solve either...

  • Where did you download this template? Suddenly some documentation could help, or even the original version. I saw that you already have some Bower dependencies, but index.html refers to libraries that are not available in bower_components. This is the original template?

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