How popular are multiple <select> "with distinct results" in a single app.get() route?


Viewed 94 times


Still beginner in Nodejs and working with Express, Handlebars and Mysql.

In a form - which in the future will be a register, this has among other inputs, two <select> any, one must be filled with data from one table (Requester) and the other <select> with data from a second table().

In the same call to the route app.get(express), there is the possibility to render the result of two queries to the bank?

Since the call is unique and automatically sending headers res.send()/res.render() is only allowed once also.

Remark: In trying to get around this with SQL, used union in the composition of select, but it doesn’t help, because Handlebars has no conditions at the level of:

   {{#if tabela}}
     {{#each tabela.campo = "valor"}}

Nor something similar, so that one can popular each <select> separately

I don’t think this is important, in this case, but dry the codes, both from the call, and from the excerpt HTML coded Handlebars.

Note: The code brings back the data, of which only one <select>. I know that the union is not the solution.

Excerpt Nodejs:

app.get('/cad', function(req,res){
  cnx.query(' SELECT id_acadsol, st_nome_acadsol, "ACAD" as ret from tbl_academia_solicitante '+
            ' union all '+  
            ' SELECT id_func,st_nome_func,"FUNC" as ret FROM TBL_FUNCIONARIO',function(error,results){


    result = console.log('Erro ao obter solicitantes e responsáveis. ' + error.message);
    "tbl_academia_solicitante": results

Excerpt Handlebars:

  {{#if tbl_academia_solicitante}}
  <select class="browser-default custom-select" id="sel_academia_solicitante">
  <option selected>Selecione o solicitante</option>
      {{#each tbl_academia_solicitante}}
      <option value={{id_acadsol}}>{{st_nome_acadsol}}</option>
      Nenhum resultado para a consulta (solicitante)

1 answer


As I imagined, the solution was very clear!

Just save the results of the calls to the bank in variables and go to render(), in the result parameter, these values separately in the Javascript object.

I sure didn’t need to, but I ended up using async.waterFall

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