How to draw a draw for an element of an array within a specific range?


Viewed 144 times


I have a Python code, where I have an array (g) of 10,000 elements. After performing a draw using Andom.Choice(g) that draws any of these 10000 elements. However, I would like my final value to be between a certain range, because eventually the draw ends up picking values out of the range.

First I put if and Else codition, but eventually it happens to draw values out of the range, because these coditions only prevent it from happening the first time. I thought about putting a while loop, but I can’t implement it. Below is part of the code

Basically, this is where I Gero my array with 10000 elements

mu = 0.7416
sigma = 0.0876
g = np.random.normal (mu, sigma, 10000)

Here is only the average value of the generated distribution, nothing that influences my doubt

def calculo_dist_internuclear():
    media = stats.gmean(g, axis=0)
    return media
print ('Distância internuclear mais provável:', calculo_dist_internuclear()

Here I draw the generated array

valor_escolhido = random.choice(g)
print ('O valor sorteado foi:', valor_escolhido)

if (0.5916 < valor_escolhido < 0.8916):
    valor_escolhido_FC1 = valor_escolhido
    print ("Sorteio de primeira:", valor_escolhido_FC1)

    valor_escolhido_FC2 = random.choice(g)
    print ("Sorteio realizado novamente:", valor_escolhido_FC2)

1 answer


Hello alive beyond Random there are more options.... randrange and Uniform for integers and for floats.

Your example with both, adjust to what you need.

from random import randrange, uniform

# randrange returns one integral value
valor_escolhido = randrange(0, 10000)
print ('O valor sorteado foi:', valor_escolhido)

if (0.5916 < valor_escolhido < 0.8916):
    valor_escolhido_FC1 = valor_escolhido
    print ("Sorteio de primeira:", valor_escolhido_FC1)

    # uniform returns floating-point value
    valor_escolhido_FC2 = uniform(0, 10000)
    print ("Sorteio realizado novamente:", valor_escolhido_FC2)

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