Newtonsoft.Json.Jsonconvert.Serializeobject excluding @


Viewed 200 times


I am running Schema for my page and need to convert the information to print it in JSON. However Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(schema); removes "@" from "@context" and "@type".

Like the code in Asp.NET is this:

   #region schema
        var schema = new SchemaProduct
            @context = "",
            @type = "Product",
            productID = productId.ToString(),
            description = funcoes.SanitizeHtml(produto.DescLonga, false),
            name = produto.Titulo,
            image = fotos,
            url = Request.Url.ToString(),
            offers = new SchemaOffer
                @type = "Offer",
                areaServed = string.Format("{0}/{1}", produto.Localizacao, produto.Estado),
                category = string.Format("{0} > {1} > {2}", cat1.Nome, cat2.Nome, cat3.Nome),
                price = string.Format("{0:C}/{1}", produto.ValorVista, produto.Unidade)
        var text = "<script type='application/ld+json'>";
        text += Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(schema);
        text += "</script>";
        ltSchema.Text = text;

How it is printed:

<script type='application/ld+json'>

Because of this generates the following complaint: Teste feito no analisador de estrutura de dados do google

1 answer


After hard research, I found a solution.

Directly inside the Schema classes I added [Newtonsoft.Json.Jsonproperty("@text")], as I demonstrate in the example below:

public string @context { get; set; }

public string @type { get; set; }

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